The plants contain a number of psycho-active alkaloids including mesembrine, mesembrenol, mesembrenone, and tortuosamine. It appears that at least some of the active ingredients act as serotonin reuptake inhibitors in the brain.
Kanna is a natural mood elevator, also relieving stress and anxiety. It is also an appetite suppressant and mental stimulant. The user experiences a feeling of calm and serenity after using Kanna. It has been tested as an aid to alcohol and drug withdrawel.
At dosages of about 50 mg to 100mg once or twice daily Kanna has proven to be an effective anti-depressant.
According to a research document by Smith MT, Field CR, Crouch NR, Hirst M,originally published in Pharmaceutical Biology 1998; 9 members of the Mesembryanthemaceae family,including Kana, were tested for psychoactive alkaloids It was found that only Kana had enough active ingredients to trigger a psycho-active respons, and only after the plants were bruised before drying.
By far the majority of members of the Aizoaceae (previously known as Mesembryanthemaceae) have not been tested. It is believed that the genus Pleiospilos also contains mesembrine like alkaloids.
For an informative overview of Kanna the following research website is recommended.
Haworthia Cultivars
Welcome to the Kanna Page.
Fresh seed of Sceletium tortuosum (Kanna) available here:
In this blog we shall provide you with information on the Kanna plant, its pharmacological effects, its uses, side effects, the views of Kanna users as well as hints on growing Kanna.
We have bruised and dried Kanna chips as well as large quantities of seed for sale.
Dried Kanna 50 g US $ 23.00
100 Fresh Kanna seed US $ 6.00
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