Kanna (Sceletium tortuosum ) is a small succulent plant that naturally occurs in South Africa. It belongs to the family Aizoaceae, a family that is well represented in South Africa. The family consists of numerous genera and species.

Kanna Sceletium tortuosumSceletium tortuosum in habitat in the Little Karoo

Kanna occurs in arid parts of the country, mostly the Western Cape, and the Northern Cape. The plants usually take comfort in the shade of bushes, although they are also found in the open. The conditions in the summer are exteme, with high heat and often long periods of drought. Like many other succulent plants, Kanna is well adapted to survive these conditions. It must be noted that wild Kanna often looks very different then cultivated plants due to the conditions under which they grow. Collectors have sometimes misidentified Kanna in the wild !

Kanna Sceletium tortuosumA Kanna plant in habitat after a dry spell. It is easy to identify as Sceletium, but only if one has seen a few in the wild before. Note the numerous seed capsules

Kanna Sceletium tortuosumA lush growing cultivated Kanna plant.

Kanna is locally known as "Kougoed" translated as "Chewing Stuff". It is also referred to as "Canna" or "Channa".

The native tribes of South Africa used to chew the dried leaves to elevate the mood or if taken in sufficient quantities, to get high on. The plants normally have dried leaves on the older parts of the stems. Other methods of administering Kanna include smoking and snuffing.
Welcome to the Kanna Page.

Fresh seed of Sceletium tortuosum (Kanna) available here:

In this blog we shall provide you with information on the Kanna plant, its pharmacological effects, its uses, side effects, the views of Kanna users as well as hints on growing Kanna.

We have bruised and dried Kanna chips as well as large quantities of seed for sale.

Dried Kanna 50 g US $ 23.00

100 Fresh Kanna seed US $ 6.00

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